Photography Fundamentals
We do have a couple of intense days, where we teach the basic fundamentals of photography - exposure - framing - focusing - depth of field, lens, the list is quite long! We endeavour to break the learning up with practical exercises to help illustrate the different elements of photography.
Learning the most used Functions
Todays' Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) cameras have a plethora of functions. We make sure we clearly explain these functions to you and make sure you know how to use them for CSI purposes.

Macro Photography
We spend a significant time on close up photography. Fingerprints, blood splatter, injuries, footwear marks, tool marks, inside and outside and in all weathers. We'll challenge the students and give them the expertise to produce an image that might be used in the identification of a suspect and subsequently used in Crown Court.
Night Time Photography
The students have the opportunity to photograph a scene at night (even when wet!) to ensure they have worked under difficult conditions. Using a tripod, timed exposures, using different light sources from ambient light, powerful LED lights to multiple flash exposures, we cover it all.

Realistic Scenarios
We endeavour to create realistic mock crime scenes that the students are able to be fully tested at all the different stages of the course.