
Feedback from a training session is of paramount importance to any organisation.  It serves as a valuable tool for growth, improvement, and development

What Students say About our Trainers

When participants provide feedback on their training experience, it offers insights into the effectiveness of the programme, the relevance of the content and the overall quality of the delivery.  This feedback enables the us to identify areas of strength and weakness, allowing us to refine and enhance future training initiatives.  Moreover, feedback provides a direct line of communication between us and our partners - the trainers and the organisations we work for, fostering a culture of open dialogue and collaboration.  By actively seeking and listening to feedback, the Forensic Training Partnership can ensure that our training sessions align with the needs and expectations of your workforce, ultimately leading to increased engagement, productivity and professional development.


black and white silhouette
I really cannot fault how the course was run in any way and would recommend this course to any force. From the facilities to the staff everything went very well. I felt that it really puts into perspective your role going forward back into force as a crime scene manager. It definitely pushed and challenged me in a positive way. The practical's were very good and it gave you an opportunity to learn and challenge yourself in a safe environment. Although all the tutors pushed everyone i thought their support was amazing and really appreciated their efforts. Nothing was to much to ask and as a team we were supported from start to finish. Its not often you go on courses and actually want to stay in touch with the people you have met from staff to pupils. Crime Scene Mangers Course 24/01


CSI South Wales Police

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Amazing course and instructors - great location and facilities.  I would say had the best facilities I have been too/seen. Instructors were very knowable and friendly. there was a great friendly and supportive atmosphere. I enjoyed the guest lectures and found I learnt the most of the case studies...


CSM Course 24/01

black and white silhouette
I enjoyed every bit of the course and found all the trainers were amazing, always very positive and worked really hard to make sure everyone did well. Thank you!


Initial CSI Course 24/03

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All of the trainers were amazing and facilities made the training really applicable to real life scenarios.


Initial CSI Course 24/03

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The scenario was good and thoroughly enjoyed it, great set of people. Really enjoyed the accident investigation stuff.
CSM Course 24/01


CSI Nottinghamshire

black and white silhouette
Great course and persons/talks given so helpful and informative. Has updated knowledge on the 'tool kit' available.


CSM Course 24/01

black and white silhouette
I really enjoyed the course, trainers were all good and everyone was friendly and helpful. I really enjoyed the BPA input, the way it was taught was great with the mixture of knowledge input and practical worked really well.


Advanced CSI Course 24/01

black and white silhouette
An enjoyable course , that challenged me throughout and taught me numerous skills in relation to crime scene investigation. Full of respect to my trainers who can not only teach but have tremendous 'working knowledge' and the ability to draw on their vast experiences.
Advanced CSI Course 24/01



black and white silhouette
I really enjoyed the course all tutors were friendly and welcoming. I feel that I learnt a lot on this course to enable me to become a confident and competent CSI. Tutors were always on hand to give help support and advice.


CSI Sussex

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I had a very great learning experience throughout the 3 weeks despite being an international participant! 🙂 Accommodation being just opposite class was also a great plus point since we are all pretty drained daily.  Definitely not something I would get to experience on such a scale often, or maybe ever again, so I'm glad to have been there!

International Student

CSM Course 24/01

black and white silhouette
I can not fault any of the tutors, everyone was friendly and made the subjects enjoyable. The content was delivered in such a way that I did not feel overwhelmed with information. Everyone was approachable and supportive. Thank you all.



black and white silhouette
I thoroughly enjoyed the six week course. An excellent choice of guest speakers and mixture between practical and theory.


Initial CSI Course 24/02

black and white silhouette
I really enjoyed the course and found everything very useful.


Initial CSI Course 24/03

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Really enjoyed the course and a terrific group of experienced / expert trainers and lecturers throughout the entire course. This exceeded my expectations and I will take back only positive feedback to my own Force.

Initial CSI Cohort 24/01



black and white silhouette

Excellent tutors and facilities at Cranfield. I was worried about photography before my course, having never really picked up a camera, but now, after the training, I feel that it is one of my strengths! Thank you to all involved for making the last 6 weeks a great learning experience. 

Initial CSI Cohort 24/01



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THANK YOU SO MUCH!  Your tips and tricks will be with me my whole career and I can't thank you enough! No group will ever beat our group and the f stop if you find a better group!  Thanks again Love, Saffron xx 



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Thank you so much Tonja for all your help with photography 🙂 And also my camera thank you for not it be thrown out the window. 



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Thank you so much for all your help and photography tips!  Really enjoyed it! 🙂 Annie xx. 



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Thank you so much for your time and tips for the past few weeks.  I shall go forth and take some amazing photos, thanks to you!  



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Thank you so much for all your help.  Hopefully we are prepared for life!  All the Best x



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Thank you so much for being a great teacher and for all your help during the past three weeks!



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Sarah was the glue that held the two lecture days together.  I learnt so much from her and she explained everything in a very simple and informative way that left me feeling very confident with the investigation and evidence collection despite knowing nothin from the beginning.


Post Grad course

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Loved her [Sarah] presentation and engagement with the class throughout all the sessions! She is awesome!!!


Post Grad course

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Sarah's teaching style was so interesting and informative and her anecdotes really helped emphasise key points.  She was very professional in her approach too, which made me very confident in her abilities as a CSI so I felt like I was learning from the best.  I definitely really enjoyed her teaching style and her lectures.


Post Grad course